Wholly owned and operated by Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC)

Wound Care Collaborator Course
Course length: 6 Weeks
Self-Paced, Start at any time
Increase your knowledge related to evidence-based wound care
Improve your ability to advocate for patients with wound related issues
Enhance your ability to collaborate with wound care specialists
Get access to virtual mentorship and knowledge consolidation opportunities with our team of CNA certified Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (NSWOCs)

Ostomy Management Course
Course length: 6 Weeks
Self-Paced, Start at any time
Increase your knowledge related to evidence-based ostomy care
Improve your ability to advocate for patients with ostomy related issues
Enhance your ability to collaborate with ostomy care specialists
Get access to virtual mentorship and knowledge consolidation opportunities with our team of CNA certified Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (NSWOCs)

Continence Management Course
Costs & Tuition: Total $600 per course
Program Fee (Academic Tuition)
Applied at checkout.
Optional Textbooks: If you would like to enhance your learning, you may purchase an optional wound, ostomy, or continence textbook at approximately $110.00.
You may order your textbooks through the Wound, Ostomy & Continence Institute Bookstore: lb.ca/wocinstitute.