Wholly owned and operated by Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC)
Ostomy Canada Society’s NSWOC Program Award
The Ostomy Canada Society Wound Ostomy and Continence Education Program (WOC-EP) Award shall be awarded to two (2) individuals annually in the amount of $1500.00 each to encourage Registered Nurses to pursue a career as an NSWOC with a focus on ostomy care.
Total awards | Combien de prix
Deadline to apply | Date limite
April 15
Prize (per award) | Prix
Objectives | Objectifs
Promote the mission and vision of Ostomy Canada Society Inc.
Provide an opportunity to support an understanding of the value that Ostomy Canada Society Inc. brings to people living with an ostomy and their families.
Qualifications | Critères
Applicants have up to four (4) years from the date of completion of the Wound Ostomy and Continence Education Program (WOC-EP) to apply.
The Applicant must:
Be a Canadian citizen.
Be a supporter of Ostomy Canada Society (verified by the Ostomy Canada Society National Office).
Be a current member of NSWOCC (verified by the NSWOCC National Office).
Be a graduate of WOC-EP within the last four (4) years of graduation (verified by the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Institute).
Give permission for these to be published in Ostomy Canada magazine and/or the NSWOC Advance.
How to Apply
The applicant must complete the application form below and submit it by email to info1@ostomycanada.ca with “Education Award” in the subject line.
The applicant must provide a photo and short story of their nursing background and their reason for taking the WOC-EP course and attach it to the same email as above.
The applicant must also submit answers to the following two (2) questions in 500 words or less. All essay answers become the property of Ostomy Canada Society and may be published in any Society material.
1. Describe how you have made a positive impact on the ostomy community (volunteerism, program development, fund raising etc.).
2. Describe a plan (in addition to question 1) to raise awareness of the impact of living with an ostomy. Briefly describe how this plan could be carried out.