Wholly owned and operated by Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC)
McKin Health NSWOC Trailblazer Award
This $2,500 award, sponsored by McKin Health, is presented annually to a WOC-EP Student who has demonstrated leadership and innovation in wound, ostomy, and continence care and who meets the written criteria for the award.
Total awards | Combien de prix
Deadline to apply | Date limite
April 15, 2024
Prize (per award) | Prix
Objectives | Objectifs
Provide financial support to an NSWOCC WOC-EP Graduate who has demonstrated leadership and innovation in wound, ostomy and continence care as an integral part of the healthcare team
Acknowledge the career contributions made by Gail Hawke as a “Trailblazer” making a positive impact on NSWOC and the specialized care of wound, ostomy and continence patients
Motivate an NSWOCC WOC-EP graduate to think outside of the box in creating new opportunities to build the profile of NSWOCs and NSWOC practice in order to support wound, ostomy and continence patients
Qualifications | Critères
The recipient of this award must be a member of NSWOCC in good standing.
The recipient must be a resident of New Brunswick.